This winter we all need a bit of cheering up. With the events of 2020 causing such disruption to our daily lives we need not to lose a sense of ourselves and you can never underestimate how the simple pleasures of how we dress can set us up for the day. This is why the humble country walk, whether for pleasure, exercise or mundane dog walks need to be overlooked style wise.
Never underestimate the effect of your clothes on your mood even if its only the local wildlife that is going to see you. Its how we feel on the inside that matters. So shove that bobbly hat to the back of the cupboard and treat yourself or even better a loved one to one of our fedoras. We have an extensive range of colours and trims to suit the subtle country outfit or a city walk. Get out in the fresh air and do it in style in a Hostie Hat Fedora!

I had a lovely order from a gentleman who had not seen his wife in 6 weeks. As she was isolating with his mother in law due to Covid. To lift her spirits he ordered her a fedora as a surprise for their daily walk. She was beyond thrilled, what a thoughtful idea.
So for the ultimate winter country style take a browse through our fedora selection or contact us if you need help designing a style to suit you.